Special Matches Types.

There are different types of matches that are played in between superstars. A little description about the match and collection of those matches ever played are shown.

Hell In a Cell Match

One of the most brutal matches in wrestling. It is a steel cage match, disqualifications do not apply. The original Cell was 16 ft (4.9 m) high and weighed over two tons but has since been replaced by an amplified version of 20 ft (6.1 m) and five tons.

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Royal Rumble Matches

The match is based on the classical Battle Royal match, in which a number of wrestlers aim at eliminating their competitors by tossing them over the top rope, with both feet touching the floor. The winner of the event is the last wrestler remaining after all others have been eliminated.

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Royal Rumble Matches

The Last Man Standing match is a hardcore-style match where the only way to win is by knockout. That is,  a wrestler will lose the match if they are unable to answer a ten-count after being downed.In order to avoid losing, the downed wrestler must be on his or her feet by the count of 10.

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Last Man Standing Matches

First Blood Match

A First Blood match is a no-disqualification match where in order to win a wrestler has to make his opponent bleed. Or, rather, depending on the nuances of the promotion and the angle surrounding the match, the first person to bleed loses, regardless of source

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I Quit Matches

An "I Quit" Match is a type of professional wrestling match in which the only way to win is to make the opponent say the words "I QUIT".

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I Quit Matches

An Iron Man match is set to go a specific amount of time, usually 30 or 60 minutes, with the competitor with the most falls at the end of that time named the victor.

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Casket Match 

Another match often associated with the Undertaker, this one involves putting your opponent into a casket first and locking it shut to gain the victory.

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Casket Match

Inferno Matches

 Involves a ring surrounded by flames. The winner is the first to set his opponent on fire. Kane is considered the originator of this match and has fought in several.

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Inferno Matches

Buried Alive Match 

      A match synonymous with the Undertaker, it involves a dirt pit or grave plot usually up near the top of          the ramp. The winner is the man who is able to knock his opponent down or out and then bury them alive by shoveling dirt over them in the grave.

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Boiler Room Brawl 

It involved both wrestlers starting off in the dark backstage boiler room. The wrestlers would compete until one man was the first to escape/exit the boiler room.

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Boiler Room Brawl Matches

Arm Wrestling 

  Opponents each place their elbow on the arm wrestling table, then lock hands. The wrestler to slam his opponents hand down on the arm wrestling table first wins

To watch these matches click below:-

 Arm Wrestling Matches.

Strap Matches

A Strap match, known by many names and done with many slight variations, is any match where the competitors are placed on the opposite ends of a restraint to keep them in close physical proximity. The most common rule for victory is for one wrestler to have to go around the ring, touching all four corners in order and without stopping, although they can also end in pinfalls.

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